What is one thing that everyone needs, but can't always have? Candy? Fame? Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport? I wish! But the real answer here is money!! Okay, so money can't buy you love and a super family and all of that crap, but when you come down to it, money can buy almost everything and you can't really survive without it. Unless you're Bear Grylls and even he needs a little hard cash when he sleeps in a motel room instead of the woods like everyone thought. (To learn more about this, click here:http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?id=3412744&page=1)
However, we tend to over use this necessity for money while at college and go out to eat, go shopping, buy gas for the car, and especially buy text books. When you come right down to it, college students spend up to thousands of dollars in addition to the tuition costs. For those of you who can afford it, power to you! Yet, most students and parents find it difficult to cut down these costs, so, here are a few tips to keep your college spendings to a minimum:
1. Limit going out to once a week. This includes: movies, dinner, shopping, etc. By doing this, you can cut your costs drastically and also utilize your time better. Instead of doing dinner with friends everyday of the week, you can work out a time that fits best for all of your schedules and use the time you would have been eating to go to the library with your friends. Let's face it, for most of us, going out is strictly a social thing. Well now, you can socialize and not have to waste good hard cash.
2. Carpool to school. Find someone who lives close by and, even if your parent needs to drive you twenty minutes to your friend's house, you won't have to use up your gas. This will even limit the time you go out when you're in school. However, always remember to slip your friend a few bucks if you're driven back and fourth often.
3. Share or buy used books. There are plenty of students that are either enrolled, or have already taken the class that you're in now. Just ask to borrow their books and arrange a way to share the time spent studying. Hey, maybe you even found yourself a study buddy. Also, there are plenty of websites that offer used books at half the price, but make sure it's the same book and version! That's super important.
4. Get a campus job. Do some research and see if you can find a campus job. There are so many that are offered and, although they don't pay much, they will work around your work schedule.
Peace, love, and money! Oh, and just because I love this car...
Great point on the college textbooks. You can always sell back your college textbooks to get a little money back, rent textbooks, or buy used. Textbook buyback is a great thing every student should know about.